Download Super Wedding Dress Up Stylist
About 5 months ago
Game Details
Super Wedding Stylist 2021 Dress Up & Makeup Design Game Features:
- 2 Gameplay Modes: Bridal Lookbook (multi-level) and Bridal Challenges (competitive multi-player). Choose your way to play in our makeup and dress up games!
- 4 Stylish Wedding Fashion Themes: Vintage/retro, Bohemian/Beach, Fantasy & Modern
- 2 Exquisite Categories:Pre Wedding & Destination Weddings
- Endless Variety of Styling Items in the fashion design studio: Choose Wedding Dresses, Bridesmaids Outfits, Accessories, Shoes, Jewelry, Bags, & more!
- Create the Perfect Make Up Design: Don’t covet anyone’s fashion dress up & wedding styles! Head to the salon and style the perfect super model Eyes, Lips, Skin Tone & Hairstyle. Test your fashion skills with fun makeup games.
- Collect Coins & Gifts: Collect coins & gifts as you play stylist games and improve your fashion style and designer skills
- Personal Lookbook: Relive your fashion styling creations in your fashion style lookbook
Bridal Challenges - Multiplayer Fashion Games Mode
Play 1 on 1 with other fashion stylist girls in mesmerizing wedding, get inspired by choices of others, & improve your wedding fashion style. May the best wedding designer win!
Design the perfect wedding look
Make the bride the glowing super model star of her own wedding using your stylist skills! Design her make up in the design salon and play dress up to help her say yes to that dress. Girls, don’t covet other girls weddings – design your own perfect wedding this fun fashion & dress up game!
Become a great fashion stylist & wedding clothes designer
Express your unique fashion sense & style in this gorgeous wedding stylist game with fashion games for girls and boys! Personalize the bride and her girl squad to look like a fashion model! You can even choose hair color, makeup design, hairstyle and skin tone! Head to the fashion stylist studio, apply professional makeup, say yes to the perfect dress and let’s see your new wedding day look! Download our fun makeup and clothes games for free today!
Super Wedding Stylist Fashion Game requires the following permissions:
* READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE / WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: This permission is required for saving your creations
Please note that we use Advertising ID for serving better ads and improving the product through Analytics
Additional Game Information
Latest Version 7.6
Requires Android Android 5.1+
How to Install XAPK / APK File on Android
What is XAPK File?
XAPK file was originally created by APKPure. It is a file extension that contains seperate APKs or package OBB cache assets files to save the data size so developers can upload their Android apps to Play Store within the maximum size limit 100 MB. APKPure APP is one of the most reliable sources to download and install safe XAPK files on Android.
How to Install XAPK File on Android?
Unlike APK files, you can't simply download and install the XAPK files on your phone through default installer. And APKPure XAPK Installer is the easiest way to help you install and manage APK / XAPK file directly on Android with one click.
1. Download and install APKPure APP on your Android device.
2. Go to Me > App Management > APK / XAPK Management to view the XAPK / APK file.
3. Tap the INSTALL button to install the XAPK / APK file you want.
4. Enable the “Unknown Sources” setting on your Android device if needed.
APKPure APP allows you to quickly and safely install XAPK files on Android operating system without region restrictions. What’s more, APKPure APP can help you scan and manage all the XAPK and APK files in one place. You can update any XAPK and APK file you want with only one click, or uninstall the unwanted files as easily as you can imagine.
What is OBB File and How does it Work?
Google Play requires that the compressed APK be no more than 100 MB. Each time you upload an APK using the Google Play Console, you have the option to add one or two expansion .obb files to the APK which can be any format you choose (ZIP, PDF, MP4, etc.) with size up to 2 GB. This XAPK file format ensures users to download without corruption.
OBB file Storage Location & File Name Format
How to Enable the “Unknown Sources” Setting?
- 1. Homescreen > Settings > More.
- 2. Go to Security > Device administration.
- 3. Check "Unknown Sources".
- You may need to adjust this according to your Android models.
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