Download Mago Akod


About 6 months ago

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Control the weather, combine powers, destroy geometric shapes and evolve.

Game Details

Mage Akod is a game of hordes and evolution, control "Akod", an extremely powerful Rapper Mage, casting spells combined with the weather, destroy all the geometric shapes he finds.



🔴 Fireball: launches a fireball that causes damage, if the fireball travels a long distance, the damage is doubled.

🔵 Water ball: launches a ball of water that explodes, damaging surrounding enemies.

🟢 Earth Ball: Throws an earth ball that has a 50% chance of causing a sandstorm. If the storm is active, pulls enemies into the center of the storm.


🔴 Fireball: launches a fireball that pierces three enemies, dealing damage that increases by 33% with each pass.

🔵 Water Ball: Launches a ball of water that has a 25% chance of generating a plant, the plant deals damage based on the "damage" attribute.

🟢 Earth Ball: throws an earth ball that gains extra size, extra movement speed and tripled damage.


🔴 Fireball: Launches a fireball that deals damage, creates a small area of ​​smoke, dealing damage three times (smoke damage = damage/2) "video is not updated with smoke damage formula".

🔵 Water Ball: Launches a water ball that deals extra damage and slows nearby enemies.

🟢 Earth Ball: Launches an earth ball that pierces up to five enemies, dealing damage to them.

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