Download Asphalt 8 Car Racing Game
About 5 months ago
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Game Details
Licensed luxury cars and motorcycles
Luxury cars and motorcycles take center stage in Asphalt 8, with an impressive selection of top-tier vehicles from renowned manufacturers like Lamborghini, Bugatti, Porsche, and more. Experience the power of over 300 high-performance cars and motorcycles, alongside a wide variety of racing motorbikes. Customize and design your race cars and motorcycles to stand out from the crowd. Collect special-edition cars, explore diverse worlds and scenarios, all while perfecting your drifting technique.
Show your racing style
Showcase your unique racing style by unleashing your creativity and customizing your racer avatar. Mix and match clothes and accessories to craft a one-of-a-kind look that complements your car. Let your personality shine through as you dominate the racetrack.
Get airborne with Asphalt 8
Prepare for exhilarating gravity-defying action in Asphalt 8. Take your race to the skies as you hit ramps and perform breathtaking barrel rolls and 360° jumps. Compete against other racers or challenge yourself in single-player mode, executing daring mid-air maneuvers and stunts in your car or motorcycle to maximize your speed. Customize your controls and on-screen icons to suit your playstyle, ensuring victory in every race.
Endless content for speed enthusiasts
Fuel your racing passion with a constant stream of fresh content. Experience regular updates, unlock powerful car upgrades, and dominate the competitive circuit. Explore seasons, engage in live events, and discover unique game modes. Compete in limited-time Cups to win valuable prizes, including early access to the latest cars and motorbikes.
Multiplayer and single-player racing thrill
Immerse yourself in thrilling multiplayer and single-player races. Join the multiplayer community, compete in the World Series, and challenge skilled opponents. Earn points, unlock prizes, and feel the adrenaline in limited-time racing events and racing passes. Fight for victory and savor the intensity of each race.
Additional Game Information
Requires Android Android 5.0+
How to Install XAPK / APK File on Android
What is XAPK File?
XAPK file was originally created by APKPure. It is a file extension that contains seperate APKs or package OBB cache assets files to save the data size so developers can upload their Android apps to Play Store within the maximum size limit 100 MB. APKPure APP is one of the most reliable sources to download and install safe XAPK files on Android.
How to Install XAPK File on Android?
Unlike APK files, you can't simply download and install the XAPK files on your phone through default installer. And APKPure XAPK Installer is the easiest way to help you install and manage APK / XAPK file directly on Android with one click.
1. Download and install APKPure APP on your Android device.
2. Go to Me > App Management > APK / XAPK Management to view the XAPK / APK file.
3. Tap the INSTALL button to install the XAPK / APK file you want.
4. Enable the “Unknown Sources” setting on your Android device if needed.
APKPure APP allows you to quickly and safely install XAPK files on Android operating system without region restrictions. What’s more, APKPure APP can help you scan and manage all the XAPK and APK files in one place. You can update any XAPK and APK file you want with only one click, or uninstall the unwanted files as easily as you can imagine.
What is OBB File and How does it Work?
Google Play requires that the compressed APK be no more than 100 MB. Each time you upload an APK using the Google Play Console, you have the option to add one or two expansion .obb files to the APK which can be any format you choose (ZIP, PDF, MP4, etc.) with size up to 2 GB. This XAPK file format ensures users to download without corruption.
OBB file Storage Location & File Name Format
How to Enable the “Unknown Sources” Setting?
- 1. Homescreen > Settings > More.
- 2. Go to Security > Device administration.
- 3. Check "Unknown Sources".
- You may need to adjust this according to your Android models.
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